Year 7 Key Enrolment Dates and Information


Enrolments are now open for Year 7 2027 and 2028. 

 Ensure to complete your application to be considered for a place at St John's College.
​(limited availability in other year levels)

Welcome to high school Year 7, 2027/28​

We are delighted that you are considering becoming members of our community in 2026/27.  As Year 7 students, you will engage in the extensive curriculum offered here at St John's College.

You will study six core subjects for the entire year and two elective subjects for rotations of one term each.  You will also experience elective subjects from the arts, the humanities and technologies.

Core subjects

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Humanities (Geography, History and Civics)
  • Religious Education
  • Physical Education

Elective subjects

  • Drama
  • Visual Art
  • Music
  • Digital Technologies
  • Design and Technologies - Engineering Principles & Systems - Graphics
  • Design and Technologies - Materials and Technologies - Wood
  • Design and Technologies - Food Specialisation
  • Languages

Pastoral Care

Morning roll call and Pastoral Care will see you, as a Year 7 student, paired with a Year 9 student and a Year 11 student who will be your "Buddies" throughout the year.

You will then remain with your Pastoral Care teacher and with your same PC group until you graduate Year 12 in 2031/32.

Teachers and Classrooms

You will be taught by a variety of teachers who are specialists​ in their subject area.  You will have the opportunity to move throughout the campus as you access specialist facilities.

Specific Events for Year 7 Students Only

Welcome BBQ in Term 1 - Reflection Days - Buddy Afternoons (Years 7, 9 and 11) - End of Year Activi​ties.

Year 7, 2027 interviews

Applications can only be made through our Online Enrolment process, accessed via our college website ( ).  Please ensure that your Online application for e​nrolment, including all required do​cumentation as per the checklist is submitted (partial submissions cant be processed). Interviews for Year 7 2027 will take place during Term 2. Feeder schools for Year 7 2027/28 students have kindly offered to send the Principal’s Reference to St John’s College on your behalf if you ask them to complete the form for your son/daughter.​

​Thursday 6th March, Family Information Evening at the College 
College Tours will be available from 4.00pm to 5.00pm, followed by an Information Session 5.00pm to 5.30pm. We invite students from Years 4 – 6 who are keen to join the Johnnies community in 2027/2028 to attend.

Take a Virtual Tour of St John's College

Enrolment Policy and Procedure

​Consideration for enrolment of students will be based on a combination of the following:


St John's College Enrolment Policy


St John's College provide a quality education in an environment that nurtures children in the Catholic faith and Christian based Pastoral care.

Families seeking enrolment are required to express and commit that they share the expressed values of the school and are willing to support and contribute to the school's mission, vision, ethos, and charism.

While the College community recognises and accepts an obligation to respect all religious beliefs and Indigenous Spirituality, it is imperative that the Catholic life, nature, and ethos of the College be maintained across the whole school population.

Guidelines for Enrolment at St. John's College

The process of enrolment is to be guided by principles and values of the Good Samaritan Order: Prayer, Community, Hospitality, The Word of God, Listening, Balance, Compassion, Healing, Humility, Stewardship, Peace and Partnerships.

We are also guided by our Johnnies Way Framework: “We are called to​ be Neighbour to all" by being: Transforming, Reflective, Inclusive, Collaborative and Engaging.

  • Late applications will be considered only if places are available.  This also applies to late applications from Catholic families and siblings. 
  • An interview does not necessarily mean that a place will be offered. 
  • If a place is not available, your student's name will be held on the waiting list    unless you notify the College that you do not want to proceed with your application.

The following Brisbane Catholic Education guidelines and processes for inclusive education are followed at a school level and can be viewed at the below links. 

Inclusive Education (​ ​

EASP - Parent Brochure​

© Brisbane Catholic Education, St John's College (2023)​